Routines. Beneficial or not for the person with Autism Spectrum Disorder?
This workshop provides answers to many dilemmas often encountered in managing the person with autism:
- Routines. What are those?
- Why are these routines important?
- The importance of routines based on the ASD intervention programs.
- What happens when you break the routine?
- How routine breaking can disturb the behavior of a person with ASD?
- How to cope with unforeseen breakage caused by routines?
The workshop is addressed to caregivers of people with Autism, professionals that interact with people with ASD, students and anyone that aims to properly interact with a youth or adult with ASD.
Workshop fee: 150 RON/participant.
For information and registration:
ANCAAR: phone number: 0773 360 741; 0773 360 744
E- mail: